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50+ Best Pharmacy Technician Interview Questions

Pharmacy Technician Interview Questions are handpicked and important series. Pharmacy Technicians prepare medications for patients according to their prescriptions. This pharmacy technician interview question covers basic and important questions. They prepare the exact required materials and dosage, tag it, price it, and file it. They work under the supervision of licensed pharmacists. Here are the top 50 pharmacy tech interview questions. 

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Pharmacy Tech Interview Questions

1. Explain the responsibilities of a pharmacist.

Refer to the responsibility of advising patients and physicians, verifying the accuracy of prescription when in doubt,  reviewing possible side effects, recommending the most suitable non-prescription drug, assigning correct dosage, and instructing patients regarding usage. A pharmacist can also warn the patient and physician regarding drug interactions.

2.  How do you feel about serving a poor patient?

I serve all patients in a similar manner, that is courteously, politely, and with a lot of compassion.

3. How do you keep up to date with pharmacy practice?

I am an active member of the APhA and regularly participate in various workshops and training held by them. I also keep up to date with my knowledge regarding the pharmacy field via the study of various research journals featuring ongoing pharmaceutical studies and their effectiveness.

4. What is the importance of confidentiality in this role?

As pharmacy technicians have access to customer‘s private information, It is important for them to keep the information confidential.

5. List the most important qualities of a pharmacy technician?

  • Pharmacy Technicians are Compassionate
  • Patience Helps Put Patients at Ease
  • Pharmacy Technicians Must Have Excellent Communication Skills
  • Attention to Detail is Important in Pharmacology
  • Pharmacy Technicians  Must Have Strong Ethics

6. How do you retort to deadlines?

“I actually love to work under deadlines because I can categorize tasks based on the order of importance and end date. I think they can be beneficial and allow me to remain organized.”

7.  What does NR/PRN (other sig codes) mean?

8. How will you verify whether a prescription is valid or not?

  • If the information is incomplete or unclear.
  • If the fax does not originate from the designated pharmacy.
  • If I want to obtain further clarifications (track record of medications served, for example).
  • If the prescription is “odd” or peculiar in any way.
  • If the prescription is internally consistent with the conversation I have with the donor.

9. How to identify drug-seeking behavior?

  • Claiming to have lost a prescription or have had a prescription stolen
  • Claims of needing a specific narcotic, because they are allergic to or otherwise unable to take non-narcotics
  • Describing a list of textbook symptoms
  • Exaggerating the severity of symptoms
  • Going to two or more doctors within a short period of time in an effort to get a specific drug (sometimes referred to as doctor shopping)
  • Not interested in an actual diagnosis, but still wants specific drugs
  • Unwilling or unable to provide medical records or contact information about previous doctors.
  • Exhibiting signs of drug abuse, including withdrawal symptoms or skin tracks
  • Frequent visits to different out-of-town doctors
  • Frequent visits to emergency rooms with complaints of pain, anxiety, or other symptoms the sought-after drug can relieve

10. What do you dislike the most about being a Pharmacy Technician?

Perhaps having to explain to a customer that we are unable to provide the medication they wanted, some customers could become quite distressed so I know it is important to be very empathetic.

11. List some of the suggestion you have made that was implemented in the pharmacy field?

If your previous company took your advice and ended up going insolvent, that’s not such a great example either. Be prepared with an idea of yours that was taken from idea to execution, and considered successful.

12. How would you deal with a difficult customer?

“Customer service is an essential part of being a pharmacy technician. I wouldn’t take something they say in my view and do my great to resolve the trouble. I would listen to their complaints, ask for forgiveness, and try my hardest to satisfy the patron. My purpose is for them to go away glad and continue doing business with us.”

 13. Why do you prefer this job?

Your answers should convey your interest and also show off your personal skills and goals. Be specific as to why you would like to choose this work.

14. How will you avoid Burnout?

  • Perform a Job Analysis
  • Take Control
  • Work with Purpose

15. How would you know you were successful on this Job?

I’m sure that I was successful in this job because any job offered by your company is my dream and I can do anything for achieving my dreams.

pharmacy technician interview questions

16. Do you think you are overqualified for this post?

Regardless of your qualifications, you should state that you are well qualified for the position.

17. Which pharmacy-related software have you used before?

Mention some pharmacy-related software like ASHP, HIMSS, and CPOE.

18. Why do you want to work at a pharmacy as opposed to a healthcare facility?

I like face-to-face customer contact and dispensing medication is something that I really enjoy. Working at a pharmacy provides me with an opportunity to do both.

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19. How do you go about with Medication storage?

On receiving the drug stock I research the expiry date and temperature requirements very carefully and then store the medications accordingly in appropriate storage sections, placing the ones with lesser remaining expiry period on the front shelves.

20. What were your responsibilities at your prior job?

My responsibilities at the prior workplace includes Inventory maintenance, stock receiving, and checking, drug storage, mixing compounds to prepare prescribed tonics, stocking and labeling medicines, attending to customers, and explaining the dosage of medicine to the customers.

21. How do you handle things correctly?

Considering the fact that accuracy approaches the change between existence and death in my job, I need to be very careful. I don’t fill two prescriptions simultaneously in order the possibilities of mistakes minimize. I continuously double-check drugs before I hand them out.

22. Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

This is a long-established query, so have an answer ready so one can reassure the interviewer that you simply is not going to go away if matters aren’t thoroughly to your liking. Avoid pronouncing whatever negative about your former boss or situation of employment, or you’ll be perceived as being elaborate.

23. What is your energy level like? Describe a typical day.

Demonstrate excellent use of time, incorporate planning upfront, and that review of your performance helps you reach your preferred ambitions.

24. Difference between OTC medicines and prescription

OTC MedicinePrescription Medicine
Does NOT require a prescription to purchase

A doctor’s prescription is required; other licensed healthcare providers, such as nurse practitioners or physician assistants, can also write a prescription for medicine (under the authority of a doctor)

Available for purchase on store shelves in a pharmacy and in stores such as supermarkets or small convenience storesCan only be dispensed from a pharmacy (community, online, or mailorder) by a licensed pharmacist
OTC medicines can be used by more than one person; however, because of the risk of contamination, some OTC medicines are NOT recommended for sharing (e.g., eye drops, ointments)Prescribed for and intended for use by one person only
OTC medicines have a wider margin of safety than prescription medicinesUsually more powerful than OTC medications

25. What is the worst or most embarrassing aspect of your business profession? How would you have done things differently now with 20/20 hindsight?

This can be a normal query to be taught how introspective you are, also to peer if that you could learn from your mistakes. If you can, it indicates an open, more flexible person.

26. For what reason did you need to end up a Pharmacy Technician?

‘I constantly needed to be a piece of the social insurance industry and wished to be of administration to the network’.

27. Why would you like to work for our organization?

Ensure that you look into the organization profile before you go for the meeting and give unique thought to its qualities and objectives. You should style your answer depending on the organization’s highlights, and demonstrate to them why you guess you would be incredible for the position.

28. What obligations a drug store professional is required to?

‘A Pharmacy professional should be a specialist at what he’s doing, given that, there is definitely no space for oversights while planning prescriptions as per specialist’s requests. Obligations contain: filling out remedies, making drugs according to the drug specialist’s requests, keeping up records of every medicine given out, gathering installment, surveying the protection status before every solution is passed out, and keeping up purified and clean stockpiling conditions.’

29. How would you manage a troublesome client?

This is a vital inquiry, and your questioner will need to know how you handle an unpleasant circumstance. One who has direct contact with clients speaks to the organization, subsequently, you have to underline that you will almost certainly manage a troublesome patient.

‘I as a rule remain quiet and pleasant, even in a predicament; I am made and unruffled while taking care of an issue.’ You could likewise share an ordeal you had with a threatening patient and give insights regarding how you managed him.

31. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Before an organization puts time into another worker, they have to know whether the hopeful will be focused on the activity and whether he expects to be there long haul. Here you should discuss how you see yourself with the organization depends on the organization’s particular qualities and properties in 5 years and by what method will remain side by side with the most recent improvements in your profession.

32. What is the centrality of classification in your calling?

‘Keeping the patient’s data undisclosed is basic, given that as a drug store specialist I have total access to a client’s private subtleties. It is basic for me to keep all data secret since it is ethically wrong to reveal data that the patient has confided in me with.

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33. How do you handle everyday work environment stress?

‘I adequately manage working environment worry by being extremely efficient and composed; I generally guarantee that there is appropriate correspondence with respect to the solutions. Certain obligations, for example, stock support, exact naming, and course of action of medications are vital to staying away from pressure and guaranteeing that the drug store works easily for the duration of the day.

I take brief breaks once in a while to resuscitate myself and have dependably had a reputation of setting up the exact piece dependent on the given medicine’.

34. What aspect of your responsibilities do you appreciate the most?

‘I make the most of my activity massively since I have for a long while been itching to be a piece of the human services industry and have been keen on the marvels these drugs can do. My most loved part is communicating with the customers, setting up the meds for them, and portraying to them how to take the drugs’.

35. How would you stay up with the latest with your training?

‘I am an individual from the American Association of Pharmacists and partake routinely in a few workshops and training held by them. I additionally ponder a scope of research diaries that record new pharmaceutical examinations and their adequacy.

As is with most things throughout everyday life, if you are readied, you can have a gigantic effect on the aftereffect of a prospective employee meet-up. While arranging your answers, the main thought for you is, to make sure to remain certain all through the meeting. Your meeting could prompt an occupation offer that will dispatch your animating profession.

36. For what reason Do You Want This Type of Pharmacy Technician Job?

Consider parts of the activity that would vary from drug stores to other human services settings, and clarify how your identity, interests, or aptitudes would make you appropriate for it. For instance, if the position is in a retail drug store including clients get in touch with, you could make reference to your appreciation for connecting with people in general.

37. What Do Coworkers Say About You?

Relate complimentary comments that particular individuals have made. For example, you could state, “My previous administrator, Mr. Williams, said I went the additional mile to guarantee an occupation was done well.”

38. What are the most vital characteristics of a drug store expert?

You should consider the abilities should have been a fruitful drug store specialist that you likewise have. “The most vital need is to be conscientious. It’s significant to be mindful when taking care of physician-recommended medication on the grounds that the littlest oversight could be lethal. Keeping up a specific dimension of polished skill is the key also on the grounds that we speak to the organization and the client should feel great confiding in us with their medicine.”

39. What is the criticalness of classification in your calling?

Keeping the patient’s data undisclosed is fundamental, given that as a drug store professional I have total access to a client’s private subtleties. It is basic for me to keep all data private since it is ethically wrong to reveal data that the patient has confided in me.

40. What was your most loved subject while in Pharmacy school? What subject did you battle with most?

Pharmacy is a vocation that requires a great deal of obligation, so pharmacy specialists should appreciate what they do. This inquiry candidate what they did and didn’t care for about their investigations to check whether they delighted in the general involvement of examining drug stores. They will search for your Self-mindfulness your pledge to the drug store calling and your trustworthiness in battling with the subject.

While pharmacy store is tied in with helping patients, it’s as yet a business. This inquiry offers the competitor a chance to clarify all the more comprehensively how they consider the matter of drug store.

41. What is a Sig code?

(SIG CODES) Also known as “Sig Codes”, Prescription shortenings are fundamentally coded directions from social insurance proficiency. The code is utilized to supply the words while Roman Numerals are now and again utilized for the numbers. These ought to be retained to get ready for the PTCB or ExCPT tests.

42. What do BID and TID rely on?

b.i.d. (offer or BID) is two times every day; b.i.d.. means “bis in bite the dust” (which implies, in Latin, two times every day). t.i.d. (or on the other hand TID or TID) is three times each day; t.i.d. means “ter in pass on” (in Latin, 3 times each day).

43. What does TID PRN mean?

t.i.d. (on solution): Seen on a remedy, t.i.d. implies three times each day. It is a condensing for “ter in pass on” which in Latin methods three times each day means “quaque pass on” (which implies, in Latin, when daily).

44. Is TID like clockwork(8 hours)?

It is typically taken like clockwork (two times per day) or at regular intervals (three times each day) with or without nourishment. The length of your treatment relies upon the sort of disease that you have. Take amoxicillin on similar occasions each day.

45. You might be given a speculative circumstance and requested to “sell” the questioner Something.

If this occurs, make sure you give highlights and advantages of an item which you have been approached to sell and afterward request a responsibility.

Highlights are characteristics that the item has. Precedent: The copier has a 75 duplicate for every moment speed with a different paper plate.

Advantages are instances of how the highlights will profit the client of the pen. Model: The copier has a snappy speed of 75 duplicates for each moment which enables the client to additional productively duplicate, therefore sparing time and expanding profitability.

You should then test for the acknowledgment to check whether you have earned the directly to request the business. Is there any motivation behind why they wouldn’t have any desire to buy the copier? if the chance that not, at that point request a guarantee to get a few copiers and ask what number they need to arrange today.

46. What did you like/hate about your last position?

Your answer will give the questioner a thought regardless of whether you are a solid match for this position. Abstain from conceding that you didn’t care for staying at work past 40 hours or you had a contention with the organization’s supervisory group. Rather, put a positive turn on your answer by saying you appreciate difficulties and development openings.

47. In what ways would you say you have met all requirements for this position?

Concentrate on a couple of prerequisites of the activity and how you can meet these necessities through your specific aptitudes and experience. Feature your administration experience, a specialized ability, or an individual example of overcoming adversity.

48. Describe a troublesome issue you’ve needed to manage.

This is a most loved intense inquiry. It is intended to test your expert profile; in particular, your expository aptitudes: Well, I generally pursue a five-advance arrangement with a troublesome issue. One, I remain back and look at the issue. Two, I perceive the issue as the side effect of other, maybe concealed, factors. Three, I make a rundown of conceivable answers for the issue. Four, I weigh both the results and cost of every arrangement and also, decide on the best arrangement. What’s more, five, I go to my supervisor, plot the issue, make my proposal, and request my administrator’s recommendation and approval. Then give a case of an issue and your answer.

49. What have you done to improve or facilitate your business abilities learning?

Rundown any business experience you may have picked up. You ought to talk about the estimation of the data contained in the NAPSR’s Training Program. Ensure that the questioner knows about your specialized information on the pharmaceutical business and illuminate that you have passed our examination. (You should pass the test as bosses can confirm on the web if you have not.) You can likewise take classes at your nearby college to assist you with marketing and sales. Reveal to them what you have done to build your insight.

50. Which work obligation of the pharmaceutical deals agent do you trust you would appreciate the least?

The best answer to this pharmacy tech interview question is express that you genuinely trust that you will appreciate all parts of the position of a pharmaceutical deal. if you can not genuinely say that, you could state that despite the fact that you trust you would appreciate everything about the activity, the desk work (or something increasingly unimportant) would likely be the least agreeable.

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