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WordPress Theme Development Tutorial – Part 2

WordPress Theme Development Tutorial – Part 2
In our previous tutorial we have told you how to create and convert a HTML code into a wordpress theme. Today in this tutorial we will tell you about the things you can do to the wordpress theme for making it more perfect and accurate. During the time you import codes from one editor to the other or during the time you change codes from HTML to wordpres most of the codes lose their alignment and are left to suffer. You as a developer is responsible for solving these issues.

Read the whole tutorial for gaining an insight over the same: –
Configuring Images and JavaScript Files
The images you had in your HTML theme are bound to suffer because of the code conversion and because of the format changes. You need not to worry though; it can be corrected with some code enhancement and with some alignment changes.
Just convert the codes like this “<img alt=”your_logo_alt_text” src=”images/logo.jpg” />”
Into codes like “img alt=”your_logo_alt_text” src=”<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/logo.jpg” />”.
When you do this, your code/images/clips/logos gets aligned and optimized according to the theme and according to the new format. This code change leads to solving all problems related to clips, you may need to do this every time there’s an error in the code and you will need to do it every time you think your image is getting blurred or disturbed.

Templates files
Template files are important, these are the files that give the theme its original form and these are the files that define the formatting and the measurement of the boxes in your theme. You can edit these template files on your own with a little knowledge of HTML and do wonders to the same. These templates generally require very basic changes in the format, you can manually enter the size of the boxes you want to have on your site. You can also change the size of the clips and the size of the logos you have entered.
Generally the logos are the first to suffer in such cases of code conversion, you need to be very careful while altering them, you can change them anytime you want but most of time the alignments are known to go haywire and you need to take the responsibility for the same.

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Create Screen Shots of Your Theme
Creating screen shots in between the process of aligning and changing the codes of the theme for better angel and understanding. When you create screen shots, you get to see the positioning and the exact location of the logos and of the pictures you have entered into the theme for making it more attractive and appealing.
Use the listed steps for optimizing the wordpress theme you converted in the first tutorial.

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