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CMD Commands for Windows πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» – Complete Cheatsheet 2024

Windows CMD commands, also known as Command Prompt commands or Command Line commands, refer to the commands that can be executed in the Command Prompt on Windows operating systems. The Command Prompt is a command-line interpreter application available in most Windows operating systems. It allows users to interact with the system by typing commands to perform various tasks.

Quick access to applications and some of the deeply hidden customization options on Windows systems. The short key for the Run cmd command is Windows + R.

How to use CMD Commands in Windows

To use CMD commands on Windows, you’ll need to open the Command Prompt. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Open the Command Prompt

  • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type cmd or cmd.exe and press Enter. Alternatively, you can search for “Command Prompt” in the Start menu and open it.

2. Navigate to the Desired Directory

  • Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you want to perform actions.
cd path\to\desired\directory

3. Execute Commands

Enter the desired CMD commands and press Enter.


4. Example Commands

Here are a few examples of CMD commands:

  • To list files in the current directory: dir
  • To change the directory: cd path\to\directory
  • To create a new directory: mkdir NewFolder
  • To copy a file: copy file.txt destination
  • To delete a file: del file.txt

5. Useful Tips

Use the help command to see a list of available commands or get help for a specific command.

 help command_name

Remember to be cautious when using commands, especially those that involve file deletion or system changes, as they can’t be undone. Always double-check your commands before executing them.

See also  How to Run Window and Linux on Single System?

Additionally, some commands may require administrative privileges. In such cases, you may need to run the Command Prompt as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the Command Prompt icon and select “Run as administrator.” You will then be prompted to provide administrative credentials.

Windows CMD Commands Cheat Sheet

Windows CMD Commands


clipbrdClipboard Viewer
cmdCommand Prompt
dvdplayPlay inserted DVD
excelMS Excel
explorerWindows Explorer
freecellPlay Card Game
frontpgMS Frontpage
igfxzoomZoom Utility
magnifyWindows Magnifier
mobsyncMS Synchronization
moviemkWindows Movie Maker
mplay32Basic WMP, not WMP classic
mrtMalicious software removal tool
msheartsPlay Hearts
mspaintMS Paint
mstscRemote Desktop
mswordMS Word
oskOn-Screen Keyboard
pinballPlay pinball
powerpntMS Powerpoint
sluiWindows Activation
snippingtooolSnipping tool for screenshots
soundrecorderRecord Sounds
spiderSpider Solitaire
stickynoteAdd a sticky note to desktop
taskmgrTask Manager
wmplayerWindow Media Player


appwiz.cplAdd or Remove Programs
credwizStored usernames and passwords
desk.cplDisplay Properties
devmgmt.mscDevice Manager
directx.cplDirectX Control Panel
dpinstInstall Drivers
dpiscallingAdjust Dts Per Inch scaling
eventvwr.mscEvent Viewer
fontsOpen fonts folder
gpedit.mscGroup Policy editor
hewwiz.cplAdd hardware wizard
intl.cplchange regional settings
javawsJava Control Panel
lusrmgrUser and Group manager
mmsys.cplAudio management
msconfigChange various aspects of the system
optional featuresManage optional features
powercfg.cplPower Management
regeditEdit registry
rekeywizEncrypt file system
secpol.mscSecurity Settings
sndvolAdjust Sound Volume
syseditEdit system Configuration
timedate.cplDate and Time Settings
utilmanUtility manager
wscui.cplSecurity Settings
wuappWindows update application


chkdiskCheck Disk
diskmgmtDisk Management and partitioning
dcomcnfgView and manage services
dxdiagDirectX Troubleshooting
cleanmgrDisk Cleaning
dfrguiDefragment drive with GUI
verifierVerify installed drivers
msdtMS Support Diagnostic Tool
perfmonPerformance Monitor
sfcFile Checker
msinfo32System Information
sysdm.cplSystem Properties
syskeySystem Security Tool
dfrgDefragment Drive
helpctrHelp and Support
sfc/scannowStart scanning system
sfc/scanonceScan at the next boot
sfc/scanbootScan at every boot
sfc/revertReturn to default settings (of SFC)
sfc/purgecacheClear Cache
tcptestTCP tester

Control Panel

controlControl Panel
control admintoolsAdministrative Tools
control colorManage Appearance
control desktopDisplay Properties
control foldersFolder Properties
control fontsFont Manager
control keyboardKeyboard Properties
control mouseMouse Properties
control netconnectionsManage Net connections
control printersManage Printers
control schedtasksScheduled Tasks

Session Management

logoffLog Off Windows
shutdownShut Down Windows

CMD Commands for Internet Functions

iexploreInternet Explorer
iexpressInternet Explorer Wizard
inetcpl.cplInternet Settings
ipconfigConfigure TCP/IP
firewall.cplWindows Firewall
wf.mscFirewall and Security
inetwizInternet Setup Wizard
ipconfig/allDisplay current TCP/IP settings
ipconfig/displaydnsShow DNS Cache
ipconfig/flushdnsClean DNS Cache
ipconfig/registerdnsRefreshes connection
ipconfig/showclassidShows DHCP class ID
ipconfig/setclassidSpecifically DHCP class ID

Files and Folders

iexploreInternet Explorer
iexpressInternet Explorer Wizard
inetcpl.cplInternet Settings
ipconfigConfigure TCP/IP
firewall.cplWindows Firewall
wf.mscFirewall and Security
inetwizInternet Setup Wizard
ipconfig/allDisplay current TCP/IP settings
ipconfig/displaydnsShow DNS Cache
ipconfig/flushdnsClean DNS Cache
ipconfig/registerdnsRefreshes connection
ipconfig/showclassidShows DHCP class ID
ipconfig/setclassidSpecifically DHCP class ID

Here are some other CMD commands for managing Wi-Fi: 

  • Turn on Wi-Fi: Type wmic path win32_networkadapter where index=(index number for wifi adapter) call enable
  • View Wi-Fi signal strength: Type netsh wlan show interfaces and look at the Signal field
  • View wireless settings: Type netsh wlan show interfaces and press Enter
  • View devices connected to your network: Type net view and a list of devices will appear
  • Fix Wi-Fi connection issues:Β Type the following commands in order:
    • netsh winsock reset
    • netsh int ip reset
    • ipconfig /release
    • ipconfig /renew
  • Determine Wi-Fi and Ethernet connection speed: Type wmic nic where netEnabled=true get name, speed

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