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Tips to Ace in Fashion Photography

If you are one of those talented individuals who like to say it good with your lens, Fashion Photography could be a great choice of glamorous and highly rewarding lifestyle. If you to want to ace in this field read on to grab some useful tips.

Prepare and Prepare Some More

The concept, the idea and the vision all is yours. It is thus you, who needs to visualize it, rehearse the shoot in your mind and prepare for the actual shoot accordingly. Plan ahead of time and arrange for all the props, clothes and location for an effective shoot and make sure to convey the agenda.

The Concept is Yours, Know it Well

Be open to ideas, suggestions and concepts of others but the final outcome should reflect your own idea. Don’t let your lack of confidence translate into your images. Take the authority, be confident and direct your shoot, as you had envisioned it, since nobody knows the shoot better than you yourself.

 Focus on the Essence of Fashion Photography- Beauty

Focus on the elements of beauty and clothes. For example, if the shoot is about the clothes, use makeup, accessories etc. to compliment it. Do not let them overshadow the clothes. If you want a seductive and provocative look go for dark sultry makeup and hairstyle, alternatively, if you want to achieve a natural, innocent look then make use of soft flowing hair and light pastel colors in clothes or backdrop.

Choose the Correct Poses to Say it Well

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Posing depends on the kind of feel you want to give to your images, the kind of dresses the models are sporting and also on the current trends. If you want to give your model that loud, careless and powerful look you may choose angular, broken body poses. And if you want to give that sensuous charmer look, then the timeless innocent facial expressions and soft gestures would work best for you. Also, make use of different angles of poses to showcase the clothes better, like, bent at an angle, climbing a ladder or sprawled on the floor.

Location Matters, Choose it Wisely

A studio is an ideal place to shoot since there you have full control over the lighting and stabilizing of the conditions. But if you pick your house or a room to shoot in better make it ideal first by putting a white drape on the walls and windows to create your own soft box on a bright sunny day. Or if you have to shoot on an outside location you may require an additional lighting source. Be careful to avoid unwanted shadows on the face and walls. Use separate lighting other than your camera to offer more accurate reading.

Narrate a Story with Your Camera

Making use of props and dramatic light and shadow effects are a great way to create drama and give depth to your images to grasp your audience better. Break the rules by using high contrast or deepened shadows. Use various props like couches, sheets, masks, veils etc. Best bet that remains till date is however, a mirror. If used well, it will not only be able to showcase both front and back of your model but also put a royal or maybe a mysterious aura inside your pictures.

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