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Magento – From Beginner to Advanced

Magento – From Beginner to Advanced

 In this article we will concentrate on Magento and how to become an expert in Magento. The world is dependent on such platform for the development of dynamic sites and for the development of cart for e-commerce sites. In contemporary world it seems impossible to develop a site or a cart without Magento.

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What’s New on PHP 5.6.0

What’s New on PHP 5.6.0

If you are a programmer then absence of PHP from the face of the world will send shivers down your spine. The contemporary world roams around online applications and dynamic sites. PHP leverages the various developers and developing enterprises with the power to create amazing

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Custom Theme Development in OpenCart

Custom Theme Development in OpenCart

In the first part of this article, we had discussed about various essential elements of theme development in OpenCart. In this second part we are going to concentrate more on the actual development processes and we will deal with a lot of codes. Keep your minds concentrated and learn about various other things in this tutorial.


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Future of PHP MVC Frameworks

The advent of Internet on the face of the world has made working easier and efficient, now we need not to move out of our houses to get our works done, one click and our work is done. Internet has also leveraged us with various options of entertainment. the world has started admiring the unique work of Apple, the company is trying to innovate like never before and serve the customers across the globe with something new and unique every time.

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What is PHP Design Patterns?

PHP Design patterns, to understand the concept of design patterns, we will have to divide the phrase and discuss one by one. We will start with Design in software development and then we will discuss the use of patterns in the field of software and at the end we will discuss some of the most widely used PHP design patterns in the contemporary world.Read More »What is PHP Design Patterns?

PHP OOPS Tutorial

PHP OOPS Tutorial
Whatever we see around is an object, the computer we use, the pen, the book and the television—all of them are objects—objects define our lives. We need to have objects around us for leading lives in a much easier and convenient way. Objects are real world entities and they have the problem solving capacity.

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5 Easy Steps to Optimize PHP Scripts for Fast Loading 🚀

Optimizing PHP is not a big task. Designing websites is a fun affair, every developer loves to sit in front of his system and punch keys on the keyboard but optimizing PHP script is a nightmare. It takes your sleep away and leaves you with weird codes to be arranged. At the end of the day, it is essential to optimize the script. Optimizing the script in earlier stages of development is even more important.

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