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php software development

PHP OOPS Tutorial

PHP OOPS Tutorial
Whatever we see around is an object, the computer we use, the pen, the book and the television—all of them are objects—objects define our lives. We need to have objects around us for leading lives in a much easier and convenient way. Objects are real world entities and they have the problem solving capacity.

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5 Easy Steps to Optimize PHP Scripts for Fast Loading 🚀

Optimizing PHP is not a big task. Designing websites is a fun affair, every developer loves to sit in front of his system and punch keys on the keyboard but optimizing PHP script is a nightmare. It takes your sleep away and leaves you with weird codes to be arranged. At the end of the day, it is essential to optimize the script. Optimizing the script in earlier stages of development is even more important.

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PHP Application Development Basics

PHP Application Development Basics
Developers across the world are making use of PHP for developing web applications which are being used by people for various purposes. These apps play an important role in everyone’s life. They make work easier and save a lot of time. People have come to make the optimum use of these apps in the recent times. Today we have thousands of developers and millions of app. These apps are being downloaded in the remotest corner of the world. People are relying on these apps for daily dose of information.

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