File Upload in Laravel
file upload in laravel This article is about the file upload in laravel It can be done by using two files one in controller and… Read More »File Upload in Laravel
file upload in laravel This article is about the file upload in laravel It can be done by using two files one in controller and… Read More »File Upload in Laravel
Complete URL management for a Web application involves two aspects:
For a Yii application, these are accomplished with the help of CUrlManager.
Yii is one of favourite php framework of all time. Here we give another one hidden secret of Yii which is very helpful for changing the URL structure to your application for more convenient reading.
In this article, we will learn how to painlessly protect your CodeIgniter (pre 2.0) application against Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
CSRF is an inbuilt feature in Codeigniter. To enable CSRF protection you just need to enable it under the config file. Once it has been enabled all the forms will be secured.
Read More »Discover CSRF Protection In CodeigniterOne of the very basic requirements of all online applications is that the user should be able to enter data. Web forms are the most commonly used methods for entering data into an application and so they are a fundamental thing that you need to get right.
Laravel is a framework that aims to make developing and maintaining web applications as easy as possible. One of the ways this is achieved is by having an excellent Form class that makes creating and interacting with forms extremely easy.
A lot of other frameworks seem to make working with forms much harder then they need to be. In my experience they are either too rigid or not comprehensive enough! If you are coming at this from a non-framework perspective, using a form builder might seem a little bit strange, but hopefully by the end of this tutorial you will be able to see the benefits.
Laravel produces HTML forms easily within seconds with blade template engine.
Read More »Laravel Form for Beginner
We described a major best features comparison of Codeigniter, Yii and Cakephp for the beginner who start to PHP MVC for the first time, Whether a selection guide of php framework for the next project he do.
Yii is an open source, object-oriented, component-based MVC PHP web application framework. Yii is pronounced as “Yee” and in Chinese it means “simple and evolutionary”
Yii is the one of major MVC framework of PHP. We need to redirect the previous / history page for some circumstances in every development.
Here we show how to achieve that;
Laravel is a modern MVC platform that creates our project with all essential modern tools such as Bootstrap, Unit Test, Blade Template Engine, PSR Standards, ORM Queries and so on. Working with Laravel is always gives me a breezy experience because of its Eloquent ORM.
Create and use a Laravel Relationship is an easy task,Whether you are on small todo application or a big scale bank project.
The advent of Internet on the face of the world has made working easier and efficient, now we need not to move out of our houses to get our works done, one click and our work is done. Internet has also leveraged us with various options of entertainment. the world has started admiring the unique work of Apple, the company is trying to innovate like never before and serve the customers across the globe with something new and unique every time.