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Types of Software Testing

Software Testing

Software testing is a process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding the software bugs.

1.Manual Testing:

Manual testing includes testing a software manually, i.e., without using any automated tool or any script. In this type, the tester takes over the role of an end-user and tests the software to identify any unexpected behavior or bug. There are different stages for manual testing such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing.

Testers use test plans, test cases, or test scenarios to test a software to ensure the completeness of testing. Manual testing also includes exploratory testing, as testers explore the software to identify errors in it.

Stages in Manual Testing:

  1. Unit Testing.
  2. Integration Testing.
  3. System Testing.
  4. User acceptance Testing.

Tester here uses test plans,test cases,test scenarios to test the software to provide an fully enchanced quality software to end users.


2. Automation Testing:

It is also termed as test automation.Tester here uses another software to test the product.It is used to re-run the test scenarios that were performed manually,repeatedly.Normally everything in the software cannot be automated.Automation testing also tests the software based on the load,stress and then performance point of view.Consumption of time is very less when compared to manual testing.

Apart from regression testing, automation testing is also used to test the application from load, performance, and stress point of view. It increases the test coverage, improves accuracy, and saves time and money in comparison to manual testing.

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Some Areas  Automation involved:

  1. Login Form.
  2. Registration Form.
  3. Large Number of users accessing areas.
  4. GUI items.
  5. Connection with database.
  6. Field Validations.

When to automate:

  1. Critical Projects.
  2. Requirements which does not changes frequently.
  3. Stable Software.
  4. Based on deadline.
  5. Access the application with more number of users.

How to Automate:

It can be done by software application or by VB scripting.

  1. Identify areas within software that requires automation.
  2. Selection of appropriate tool for automation.
  3. Development of test suits.
  4. Execution of scripts.
  5. Create Result Reports.

Software tools for automation:

  1. Selenium.
  2. HP Quick Test Professional.
  3. Silk Test.
  4. Test Complete.
  5. WinRunner.
  6. IBM Rational Functional Tester.
  7. Load Runner.
  8. WATIR

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