PHP is still one of the leading programming language that builds websites. Here is some advanced tools to speedup your development php coding development.
- Composer, PHP dependency manager, is very easy to use and very reliable.
- Behat is the PHP implementation of Cucumber, amazing for functional or integration tests
- PHPUnit, while it has nothing fancy, works well and the coverage report are very good (unlike say the ones for JavaScript like Istanbul)
- Blackfire a one of a kind tool for optimising your application
- Scrutinizer and PhpMetrics, excellent code analysis tool
- Famous libraries:
- fzaninotto/Faker for data generation, inspired by Ruby’s one
- Seldaek/monolog for logging, inspired by Python’s one
- frameworks like Symfony that regroups lots of amazing idea from Ruby on Rails, Django, Java Entreprise patterns
- Robo is a task runner you always have been looking for. It allows you to write fully customizable tasks in common OOP PHP style. Robo has comprehensive list of built-in common tasks for development, testing, and deployment.
- Github is one of the major GIT based version control repository portal that we can manage your code more securely both public and private.
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