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Remove index.php in the url of Yii website

Complete URL management for a Web application involves two aspects:

  1. When a user request comes in terms of a URL, the application needs to parse it into understandable parameters.
  2. The application needs to provide a way of creating URLs so that the created URLs can be understood by the application.

For a Yii application, these are accomplished with the help of CUrlManager.

Yii is one of favourite php framework of all time. Here we give another one hidden secret of Yii which is very helpful for changing the URL structure to your application for more convenient reading.

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Laravel Form for Beginner

Laravel Form For Beginner

One of the very basic requirements of all online applications is that the user should be able to enter data. Web forms are the most commonly used methods for entering data into an application and so they are a fundamental thing that you need to get right.

Laravel is a framework that aims to make developing and maintaining web applications as easy as possible. One of the ways this is achieved is by having an excellent Form class that makes creating and interacting with forms extremely easy.

A lot of other frameworks seem to make working with forms much harder then they need to be. In my experience they are either too rigid or not comprehensive enough! If you are coming at this from a non-framework perspective, using a form builder might seem a little bit strange, but hopefully by the end of this tutorial you will be able to see the benefits.

Laravel produces HTML forms easily within seconds with blade template engine.
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Query Scopes in laravel

Applying conditions to queries gives you to power to retrieve and present filtered data in every imaginable manner. Some of these conditions will be used more than others, and Laravel provides a solution for cleanly packaging these conditions into easily readable and reusable statements, known as a scope. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to easily integrate scopes into your Laravel models.

Consider a filter that only retrieves completed list tasks. You could use the following where condition to retrieve those tasks:

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OOPS Concepts in real life

Oops concepts in real life


It is considered to be an instance of class.It contains real values instead of variables.In real life we can consider an mobile company which manufacture mulitple models as instance to here mobile models where each one has its unique characteristics acts as a object.Read More »OOPS Concepts in real life