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antivirus 2017

10 Best Antivirus Software🥉for High-end Security

Having trusted and powerful best antivirus software is critical for any PC, smartphone, or tablet. Without decent antivirus protection, you chance to lose your information, cash, and private life. It’s essential to have installed a top-rated antivirus software, to make sure that your files are protected. Below you’ll find the top 10 best antivirus software for high end security.

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google fuchsia

What is Google Fuchsia

Google seems to be developing an entirely new operating system. However, here’s the thing: it’s unclear right now what this operating system is for, including what gadgets it may control. Here’s all that we know so far about the project, which is currently going by the name Google Fuchsia.Read More »What is Google Fuchsia

worst games 2017

Worst video games of all time

With an abundance of great games came an equal amount of disappointment and crappy ones. This is not a “worst games” list for a reason, in other words. There are worse games out there just didn’t have high hopes for most of those. Here are the top worst video games of all time.

Read More »Worst video games of all time