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How to start your online business WITHOUT MONEY

The contemporary world is a very competitive place, if you are still working for someone then you are losing onto the life, you are wasting a huge chunk of your life in working for other which in the long run will leverage you with nothing more than a pack of Dollars.

21st Century is the perfect time to leap out of your innocuous glass walled cabin and use the available resource and time for making it big. You have made enough excuses like ‘I do not have money’ and ‘I do not have the requisite resources’. Forget whatever happened in past, in this article we will tell you how to start your online business Without Money. Yes, we will tell you the address from where you can avail all the requisite resources for free and start your business right away.

Change your Mind setup

 You don’t need money to make money, all you need is dedication. Now that you have decided to make your online business plan a reality, first of all change your mind setup and start thinking like an entrepreneur. Get onto your business idea and make use of your intellectual knowledge for making it better. Money is not what you need to start an online business, what you need is dedication and persistent. If you are persistent about your idea and you keep working on its improvement incessantly, then you are bound to make it happen.

Optimum Use of the Free Resources

 Internet is an amazing place; you have all the knowledge of the world for free on internet. You need not to go to school for learning any more, you can sit in front of your computer and graduate from there. All that an online business requires can be listed as: –

  • A website
  • Web Advertisement
  • Staffs
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Website and web advertisement about your company is necessary but gone are the days when they were expensive. You can always host your website no SaaS platforms. These platforms provide you with the free software and with free user interfaces, you can get a designed template and you will get the free space for hosting your site.

Web Advertisement can also be done for free with the help of social networking giants like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Facebook and Twitter are the best place for promoting your online business for free. You can post about your business and about your services and people will start falling onto your Facebook page—and ultimately on your website in an organic way—which will make your business grow by leaps and bounds.

Making your Business Stronger than it was Yesterday

You need to keep working on your business prospects and you need to keep improving it day by day. You will need to meet experts, get your business idea refined and then implement it for better result. You will need to more adaptive to changes and you will need to more flexible.

Go For Funding

Now that you have a website and a business that is well refined and is running good, it is time to meet people and ask them to invest in your business. Go to Venture Capitalists with a perfect pitch and tell them about the growing prospects of your company and excite them to come and invest in your company.

You are here to make your dreams come true, small things like lack of money should not be the matter of concern, keep working on your idea and one beautiful day you will see your dream turning into a reality.

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