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How to Get More Jobs on Elance

Elance is a great way to get freelancing projects and earn handsomely. However, there must be about 80% of the total Elance freelancers who could be earning much more by getting many more jobs on Elance if they only kept these few simple things in mind.

  1. Make your Profile Impressive

Highlight your unique selling points like the prestigious university from which you graduated or the similar work that you did for a similar client in the past. Give stress on the testimonials from previous employers, work experience, education, awards and your achievements for example an article that you may have written for the New York Times or the video which you made that may have went viral etc.

  1. Create an Ideal Client Profile

Instead on bidding on almost any job that you may think you can do, create an ideal client profile. This increases your chances of working with those clients with whom you most want to work or who may want to hire you. Identify which clients you would most want to work by answering for yourself some simple questions like what are the demographic of you ideal client, which industry does he work for, what is his budget etc. Once you are clear about your client profile you can concentrate on the prospects that are most likely to hire you. This will increase both your profit and reputation.

  1. Make Great Proposals

Your proposal should emphasize on how you will be accomplishing your client’s goals and solving their problems. Be precise and straight forward. Brief out to them your processes, give them a detailed timeline and establish a standard communication channel. Have a sensible, fair and clearly stated pricing. Also you need to explain certain factors behind your pricing which may be of importance to your client. Attaching a portfolio is right but make sure to attach individual samples of your work too for separate client works so that your work may not slip from the busy client’s view.

  1. Take Skill Tests
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Taking skill tests increases your chance to be hired and get more jobs on Elance, since, clients prefer those contractors who have polished skills and Verified Credentials.

  1. Join Groups

When you join an Elance group your talent and professional skills get official recognition from the sponsoring organization. With your group affiliation displayed on the top of your profile, you are easily identified as the desired candidate for the client.

  1. Act Fast

When you see a proposal of your liking you must quickly pick up speed to send your proposal, providing not compromising on its quality. This is so because, if the client sees your proposal the first, it may lead him to pick you before anybody else gets the chance, although, you can also send Sponsored proposals to get the top spot.

  1. Manage Your Reputation

To gain a 5-star reputation you need to complete the assignments within the time limit, treat your clients respectfully and communicate frequently. Make use of Elance facilities such as Escrow and Workroom.

  1. Stay Connected

Try to stay connected with your client for fast turnaround. Clients appreciate it when you keep the project moving forward by asking questions and requesting information as soon as possible. It is better to make use of the sync facilities now available on most mobiles and stay in touch through emails anytime.

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