Rules to Keep in Mind While Designing a Logo
The logo of your company sees a mile about your company. It is the first thing that comes to people mind when they think about your company. It is the thing about logos that people remember logos and forget tag lines.
Ask anybody the tag line of Apple and Coca-Cola and they will fumble but ask them about their logos and they will explain it to you with great intricacy. With the time entrepreneurs have come to understand the value of a good logo and now they are looking for developer and designers that can help them with designing better logos.
Meanwhile we present to you a set of rules which will guide and help you in designing better logos that will reach to individuals and will make clamoring noise about your enterprise: –
Make a Brand out of your Companies Name
People tend to remember brands that helps makes their life easier and simple. Converting your company into a brand is one very important thing. Ask yourself as many questions as you can about your brand and try to come up with something that really goes with your company’s motto. Researching will help you in coming up with better ideas. You need to know what you want from your customers, when you know this then you will come up with a better Logo.
Remember no customer is going to by heart the name of your company all that they are going to remember is your company’s logo and hence so you need to design it in a simple manner so that it is easier for the customers to learn it and recall it whenever required. You need to make use of very less number of lines, colors and shapes. You need to be very strict with making use of bright colors, use them under extreme circumstances. A logo should be appealing, beautiful and simple.
Dream of Future
Do not diminish your designer by saying “we are yet not a million-dollar-company” no, never. Shoot for the stars and aim higher. A day will come when your company will earn million dollars in revenue that day your logo will be a brand and people will have and invincible faith on your company. Dream of Future and design your logo accordingly.
To Design a Better Logo you will need to ask yourself a set of questions, these questions can be listed: –
- Does your Logo resonate with the motto of the company?
- Is your Logo too bright?
- Does your Logo represent a Million-dollar company?
- Does it feel good to look at it?
- Will it be liked by people?
If your heart answers to all these questions will a positive reply then go ahead with it and make a brand out of your company but if your heart skips a bit before answering any of them then re-work on your logo and come up with something better and unique that represents your company in a better way.