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Learn GIT Workflow in 7 Easy Steps πŸ¦• – a Practical Guide

Simple GIT Workflow Tutorial explains to you how to use GIT and GitHub more efficiently without any harder practices. It will help you to initiate your project with the GIT (version control system) and GitHub.

What is Git?

Git is a version control system that keeps our file changes as version history. We can retrieve the changed version whenever we need it. Git keeps the changes as a commit and each commits belongs to branches.

How to Use Github and Git Workflow

GIT Workflow Step by Step:

Initiate GIT Repository

git init

This command creates a Git local repo (Repository short form ) in the local hard disk.Β  You can open git bash and direct it to the particular folder where we want to initiate the git. And then try this command. It will create a git initialization folder on the folder. Now we created a local git repository.

Pull the existing Github Repository into Local

git pull

Now we copy the remote git repository into the local one. Git Pull command copies the remote repository to the local hard disk. We suggest using SSH to pull and push the remote repositories.

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Create a new Git Branch

git checkout -b new-branch

Generally, a git repository have one branch which is ‘Master’ by default. For new features or updates, we need to add new branches without affecting the master tree. Git checkout command creates a new branch or switches over the existing one.

Check modified files

git status

Git status shows modified files on the git repository on the local disk.

Get all the modified files into the stage for commit

git add --all

Git adds all commands to get the modified files into the stage for committing.

Commit the modified files on track

git commit -m "initial commit1"

We can do the commit with this git commit command. It probably means save the git working tree.

git workflow
Github Repository

Add Remote Repository

git remote add "origin"

Add remote repository location by this command.

Upload all files to the remote repository

git push --set-upstream origin new-branch

Push all the modified files only on the new branch into the remote git repository with this command. Later we will add it to the master branch.

you are all done 90% now. Now it’s time to create to merge request to merge the new branch into the Master tree of the repository.

Other Interesting GIT Tutorials

Hope you enjoy the basic workflow of git!

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