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How to earn more on Envato

When the world is chasing their dreams, you also need to break the stereotype and get into the race. No matter what you want to achieve, no what from where you come from and no matter what are you doing now.

Today we live in a world where there are hundreds of options and people are using all these opportunities to make their dreams come true.

The technology, especially internet has allowed people to break out of their caricatured life and lead a life they always wanted to. People are starting with freelancing job on the internet and they are taking their freelancing experience to a different level. There is hundreds of site over internet like Elance, Freelancer and Codecanyon where you can freelance in the field you are expert in and make a name in the world.

This is the time to break the monotony of life and lead a life you always wanted to live. If you are a coder and you have coded enough for your school friends and for your college assignment then you can take the leap of faith and make a dent in the world of coding. Coding is one of the best professions you can take up in this life in this century. The 21st century is all about coding and people are changing the course of the world by coding, Mark Zuckerberg did, Steve Jobs did and David Kerp is also doing it; do not let your talent get wasted in writing assignments and completing freelancing world. Take a long step and make it happen for you and the first step can be joining Codecanyon.

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How to sell more in Codecanyon is one of the most frequent question people ask to experts these days. Codecanyon has come to be a good platform for authors and coders. People from different corners of the world are making efficient use of this platform for making their dreams come true. The more you work on codecanyon the chances of selling you increases by leaps and bounds.

Selling on codecnayon can be an easy task, if you follow these simple advices and tips: –

Check your file before updating: – You need to scan all your files before you upload on the site, you need to check your codes for bugs and you will need to optimize it before you upload it on the site.

  • Check your assets: – Make optimum use of your assets and restrict them from getting acquired through un-authorized access. Link all your files to the assets and make an awesome display of the same.
  • Create a help file: – You need to allow the customers to know enough about your files and about your codes. Make your app work on the site and make your codes run with great ease and grace.

Codecanyon is a great platform to sell more by working less. All you need to do is work efficiently and work smartly and you can make your dreams happen.

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