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Jquery ajax

jQuery vs Ajax

AJAX is a technique to do an XMLHttpRequest (out of band Http request) from a web page to the server and send/retrieve data to be used on the web page. AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. It uses javascript to construct an XMLHttpRequest, typically using different techniques on various browsers.

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Freelancer VS Entrepreneur

Freelancer VS Entrepreneur

 The world has breached new regulations and people are more than excited to break these rules and make their own paths. Freelancing is the new trend but the number of people believing in entrepreneurship is way more. People are keen to become their own bosses but least they know that entrepreneurship is not only about starting a business but it is about nourishing a business. Entrepreneurship takes more courage and passion than a regular jobs and that is why we have more employees and less employers.

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Developers and bloggers from across the world must have heard the word version control. The concept of version control is bit difficult to grasp but it is very important from the development point of view. You can leave it or keep it aside if you are planning to develop a dynamic website that caters to all your needs. Read this article thoroughly to under what is version control and it types.

Read More »GIT VS SVN


SEO Benefits

With everything driven by the internet today, there is no question left how important is it for you to boost your business through it. And when it comes to making your business expand on internet, there is no greater way than SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Let’s look at what are its benefits.

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Angular JS an Introduction

Angular JS an Introduction

The contemporary world is a competitive place, with the increasing competition a rise in the demand of high quality software and programming language has been noted. Developers across the world are busy developing software

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Android vs iOS a Technical Report

Android VS IOS—a Technical Report

Well! Let’s admit that we all have reading and thinking a lot about the battle between Android and IOS. We all have used IOS and Android but only few of us have reached to a consensus about which is best. The world is growing more and denser, people are buying mobile phones like never before and in recent past the love for smart phones has increased by leaps and bounds.

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Amazon Web Services—An Introduction

Amazon Web Services—An Introduction

Enterprises across the world are making optimum use of the internet for making a dent in the world. In this world of globalization they aim to reach out to every individual and allow them to use their high standard products and services at the same time all these enterprises and companies are working harder to develop an infrastructure that allows people to be at ease and scale high statures in life.

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