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tutorial websites for javascript 2017

Best Tutorial Websites for Javascript 2017

JavaScript is the rock star of the company and is in constant demand by employers. Therefore in this article we have compiled a list of 20 Best tutorial websites for javascript 2017, following websites are absolutely free and have myriad of useful and easy to understand tutorials and videos from which you can learn and understand JavaScript fundamentals easily. Read More »Best Tutorial Websites for Javascript 2017


CSS3 Media Queries

CSS3 is the latest evolution of the Cascading Style Sheet language and it brings a lot features like animations, transistions, gradients, grid layouts and more. The main important feature is make the web more responsive and accessible for all devices. Here is the complete media queries for various devices.
Read More »CSS3 Media Queries


Rooting An Android Phone

What does “root” mean?

Rooting is essentially giving you administrative access to your device. Once your device is rooted, you will have an application by the name of Superuser that can be found in your app drawer. This application is where you can control the permissions of any applications that require “administrative” rights. This is a simple way of looking at it.

Read More »Rooting An Android Phone


OOPS Concepts in real life

Oops concepts in real life


It is considered to be an instance of class.It contains real values instead of variables.In real life we can consider an mobile company which manufacture mulitple models as instance to here mobile models where each one has its unique characteristics acts as a object.Read More »OOPS Concepts in real life


Simple Image Caption in HTML, CSS

Almost all famous news websites always display images with a caption box that is aligned at the bottom of the same image. These image captions provide extra information about the images displayed on the web pages. You can quickly add these types caption over image in your images using CSS and HTML.

With HTML, CSS – you can simplify many of your web design works. Here’s another one to create simple Image caption with html and css.

Level: Beginner

Read More »Simple Image Caption in HTML, CSS


Essential Android Apps

AVG Antivirus

AVG Antivirus is a free antivirus app for Android. It is free and gives you many features to secure your Android phone from viruses, malwares and threats.Read More »Essential Android Apps