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How to cut credit card debt in a best way

Credit Cards oftens gives an annoying critical issues to our personal finance.  To avoid this situations you may cancel or close high interest rate credit cards properly to redeem your credit score as well as your personal mental health. Here is we show the best way to cancel a credit card.

Best way to cancel a credit card

First things first. You should convey your closing idea to bankers by phone before and then you should write a credit card cancel application to your credit card provider and send it to their particular credit card department. In case sometimes they have separate department for credit card cancellation process. Use the following letter format to write them

Use the following credit card cancel letter format to write them:

Dear Sir/Madam,

As per our telephonic discussion regarding the cancellation of my credit card (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX) ending on this period (Month-Year), I have request you to cancel my credit card as soon as possible. Thank you,

Herewith I have attached my Diagonally cut credit card.

Yours truly,



How to cut credit card (or) debt card

Here the method is how to properly destroy a credit card is diagonally cut the credit card properly. This is same method that you can use to dispose of old drivers license & to dispose of credit card with chip.

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