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Top 10 Advanced Chess Strategies To Win – Chess Strategy For Beginners

Chess Strategies to Win is a unique post that reveals all chess secrets in a single article. Chess is one the best strategy games played worldwide by millions of people. It has some simple tactics, and secrets to read your opponent’s mind while playing. Here we reveal some basic but important tactics to win a chess game every time you play.

What is a Chess Game

Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, a checkered gameboard with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid. The game is played by millions of people worldwide


Chess Strategies

1. Study before you take


Study the board & position it properly before you take a piece. Keep yourself calm always and guess the opponent’s next moves & direction. It will give you a proper picture of our & opponent’s position. Time is important, but don’t keep yourself urgent. Most of the time we have lost our good chance because of urgent moves.

2. Concentrate on King – Both sides


King is the most important piece in the Chess game, and the success or failure depends on it only. So Concentrate on your own chess king to protect and keep an eye on an opponent’s king to defeat. Both are equally important things in the middle game and the end game.

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If you can mate the king with a losing Queen, just do it.  Don’t protect other pieces if you have a chance to mate.

Don’t do castle immediately. It may give chances to the opponent to finish the game as soon as. Concentrate on the position and then gradually do castle if it’s really worth on the particular situation.

3. Secure every piece with 2-way protection


Always protect your front side pieces with 2-way security. Without a backbone, security support does not move any valuable pieces to further, even a pawn is worth it sometimes.

For example, If you move your Knight to the center square keep at least 2 secure pieces for it. a pawn and a bishop. It will help you if you have lost any one of the security.

4. Force your pieces to Kingside

How to play Chess

This is one of the very important Chess Strategies of all time. Try to protect your king always with more pieces and in the same way attack the opponent’s king with more pieces. Do not stick with single-piece protection or single-piece attack for the king, Never!

5. Don’t be selfish


To win a game is just Checkmate the opponent’s king. Be focused on the single reason in the whole game.  If the situation arises to lose Queen or some valuable pieces to make checkmate, do it in the right way. Don’t be selfish for Queen like high valuable pieces.

6. Know the pieces that weaken your strength

If you study your history of plays you can find out which chess piece will weaken you and which is give your more strength. Know that properly and eliminate the opponent’s chess pieces that weaken you initially and stay relaxed.

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7. Know the Chess Pieces Value – Chess Strategies

Chess among the tulips

Know well your chess pieces value, According to the current scenario the values are given below:

  • Knight = 3 pawns (3 points)
  • Bishop = knight (3 points)
  • Rook = knight plus 2 pawns (5 points)
  • Queen = 2 rooks = 3 knights (10 or 9 points)
  • King = knight + pawn (4 points)

8. Keep secure your Pawns

In most of the end game scenarios, the success of the game will be decided by Pawns! Because Pawns has the capability to transfer itself to Queen, Rook, or whatever high-value pieces you need. So Keep in mind this and secure and move forward your pawns always while gaming.

9. End Game Mythology – Chess Strategies


Endgames can be classified according to the type of pieces remaining on the board. Basic checkmates are positions in which one side has only a king and the other side has one or two pieces and can checkmate the opposing king, with the pieces working together with their king. For example, king and pawn endgames involve only kings and pawns on one or both sides, and the task of the stronger side is to promote one of the pawns. Other more complicated endings are classified according to pieces on the board other than kings, such as “rook and pawn versus rook” endgames.

10. Win or Draw in Chess Game

Chess pieces ranked by size

In the middle of the End Game, you could realize who will succeed. If it’s not you then try to draw the game. It will save 1/2 point. In most International chess tournaments, this 1/2 point might help a player to succeed.  So keep it in the mind.

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Hope all of these chess game strategies, and tactics will help you to succeed in your next chess sessions even in the online chess games. I wish you all to get success in the future! Expect more valuable points in the comments!

You can find more chess strategies in this book:
Advanced Chess Techniques: Secrets to winning every Chess Game

Chess Strategies


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