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Learn How To Build Mobile App With Cordova

Cordova is one of the best hybrid mobile app development frameworks to build mobile apps without any complexity. You don’t need to learn Java, Kotlin, Objective C, Swift, or any hard languages to build your first mobile app. Here we described the steps of building a mobile app with the Cordova framework.

Build Cordova Mobile App

Although you don’t need to know Java, you need some JavaScript, HTML & CSS to build your mobile apps.

Here are the steps to build your first hybrid mobile app


  • Node.js
  • Android Studio – Although we don’t program in android, we need this for building Android App. It has some build tools, SDKs

1. Installing Cordova

npm install -g cordova

2. Creating New App with Cordova

cordova create MyApp

3. Creating Platforms

cordova platform add browser
cordova platform add android

4. Build your Simple Mobile with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Here we build our first mobile app in HTML. We can just build a simple HTML webpage for this.

5. Test Run on Browser

cordova run browser 

6. Run your Cordova App in Mobile Emulator

cordova emulate android

7. Build Your First Mobile App

cordova build --release

7b. Build Android App with ARM (Alternative Method to Build)

build cordova apk --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64 --split-per-abi

Finally, We just built our first Android App with Cordova. We will continue with the Playstore publishing steps soon.

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