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Freelancer VS Entrepreneur

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Freelancer VS Entrepreneur

 The world has breached new regulations and people are more than excited to break these rules and make their own paths. Freelancing is the new trend but the number of people believing in entrepreneurship is way more. People are keen to become their own bosses but least they know that entrepreneurship is not only about starting a business but it is about nourishing a business. Entrepreneurship takes more courage and passion than a regular jobs and that is why we have more employees and less employers.

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Google Vs Traditional library

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Google Vs Traditional library

This is one of the most common debates we all have been doing for the past few years. Is Google an authentic source of information? Can Google provide all information which even library can’t?? Is Google capable enough to replace our traditional libraries??

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SEO Benefits

Reading Time: 2 minutes

With everything driven by the internet today, there is no question left how important is it for you to boost your business through it. And when it comes to making your business expand on internet, there is no greater way than SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Let’s look at what are its benefits.

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WooCommerce: An Introduction and Basics

Reading Time: 2 minutes

WooCommerce: An Introduction and Basics

WooCommerce is a free e-commerce toolkit for WordPress. With the installation of this plugin you can enable shop facilities on your website. With a very simple to use interface it is a very useful tool if you want to start your own business online.

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Best Open Source Shopping Carts

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In contemporary world Internet has wide opportunities. You need not to go to work daily to earn your bread or to become a person you want to be. You can live under the comfortable conditions of your home, enjoying the good food and make it large. All you need to have in order to make it large is an Idea. An Idea can change your world for better. Look around you, read about the problems people are facing and think over it. Develop an idea, research about it, read what people have done about, find a solution and make a business out of it.

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Google BigQuery vs AWS

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The entrepreneurial world is on a rise and people across the globe are making the optimum use of the available resources for making their dreams come true. The contemporary world is about online things. If you are looking to rule the world with your business then you will have to work it out on internet. You will have to develop a site that will leverage you with the option to reach out to a huge set of audience and become a multi-national company. Online businesses have less bondage, you need not have to hire more people for physical work, you need not to have a physical address for your office.

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Earning more from Google Adsense

Reading Time: 2 minutes

People across the globe have started defying the regular jobs because they take up all your energy and time and at the end of the day you are left with a penny in your hands. People are now more interested in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship allows people to be their own boss nevertheless you have to work harder than ever but at the need of the day you will satisfied because the work you will do will be pushing you ahead and not some XYZ company.

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