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Google BigQuery vs AWS

The entrepreneurial world is on a rise and people across the globe are making the optimum use of the available resources for making their dreams come true. The contemporary world is about online things. If you are looking to rule the world with your business then you will have to work it out on internet. You will have to develop a site that will leverage you with the option to reach out to a huge set of audience and become a multi-national company. Online businesses have less bondage, you need not have to hire more people for physical work, you need not to have a physical address for your office.

An online business is the modern way of leading the world. You can serve people with the services they are looking for and you can impact their lives with your unique products.

Online business requires: –

  • Website
  • Database
  • Customers
  • Traffic
  • Security
  • Payment gateway

If you are looking to acquire all these services from different vendors on your own then you are going to lose loads of money on the way. Here it is when Amazon web services and BigQuery comes into play.

Amazon web services and BigQuery are way different from each other.

BigQuery is a service from the internet giant Google where they incorporate all your data in their highly qualified infrastructure and make them less redundant. It is impossible for companies to store billions of data on their innocuous databases and make queries with great speed. It requires a bigger infrastructure with better technical support.

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One such database handled by a company on its own will only create problems and hindrances in data querying hence it is a good idea to use the services like BigQuery provided by Google. You can handle all your data to BigQuery and they will make optimum use of their highly advanced infrastructure for arranging your data into less redundant tabular form. Availing these services will impact the search speed on databases which will enhance your decision making capability indirectly.


Cloud Computing is the latest trend on internet. Storing data on cloud is a much easier way, it saves you from carrying hundreds of MBs and it also saves you from the other loss of data. It also allows you to keep your data safe. Cloud Computing is one platform which is going to change the course how databases where developed earlier. People across the globe are now in favor of cloud computing. Apart of all the security feature it also allows the companies to upload unlimited amount of data and keep them sorted with equal efficiency.

Cloud Computing when combined with Amazon becomes an infrastructure that allows the world to develop a whole lot of website with great efficiency. The cloud computing features from the house of Amazon are here to make your experience better and unforgettable. You can depend on the cloud computing service from Amazon for developing your business oriented site from scratch and make it scale the whole world of success.

Amazon brings to you all the services related to an online business and you are likely to scale more success with amazon web services.

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  1. I work on BigQuery, and I’ve reached out to the author on many occasions. This is a wildly inaccurate post with many false claims.

    – BigQuery is actually high-availability out of the box and for free. No AWS service is high-availability out of the box as far as I know. So the “less redundant” claim is demonstratively false.
    – BigQuery is an Analytics Data Warehouse. Google Cloud Platform has a wide portfolio of services that can be compared directly with AWS. It doesn’t make sense to compare BigQuery to AWS… it makes sense to compare Google Cloud Platform to AWS, and it makes sense to compare BigQuery to Redshift.

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