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IT Consultant, Photographer, Blogger


PHP PSR Auto Formatting Tool

PSR format is one of the code formatting standard of PHP. Its very tough to format each and every line in big projects. To Resolve this PSR auto formatting tool is available as opensource kit called – PHP-CS-Fixer. You can simply use it from command line and change your code formatting within seconds.

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Is Freelancing Profitable still?

Once upon a time when freelance introduced in online, it makes some sense. I don’t know when and where its started. But its really worth for people who can want a work from their home and the people whom want to complete the tasks with right candidates.  Freelancing is good for both for them.

Is that really worth the same still?

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How to be Productivity Throughout the Day

When the world is aiming for Mars, you need to initiate equal endeavors to make your dreams a reality. We all are different, our needs, desire and aims are different. Most of the people just want to complete their education and get a work to work for the rest of their life while they are some law breakers, who do not care for the Status Quo and are hell bent about their dreams.

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Freelancer VS Entrepreneur

Freelancer VS Entrepreneur

 The world has breached new regulations and people are more than excited to break these rules and make their own paths. Freelancing is the new trend but the number of people believing in entrepreneurship is way more. People are keen to become their own bosses but least they know that entrepreneurship is not only about starting a business but it is about nourishing a business. Entrepreneurship takes more courage and passion than a regular jobs and that is why we have more employees and less employers.

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