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IT Consultant, Photographer, Blogger


25+Useful Excel Functions

Microsoft Excel is one of the major application that using for multiple purposes like Spreadsheet, Data Entry, Data Analysis and some people using it like their own database application that do all the business transactions with it. In this post, I try to give all essential excel functions that make your life easier than before.

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Install WordPress

WordPress is a popular CMS tool which can be used for blogs as well as business websites. Here you can find out how to install wordpress easily on your webserver or either your localhost server. Read More »Install WordPress


Relationship in Laravel

Laravel Relationship

Laravel is a modern MVC platform that creates our project with all essential modern tools such as Bootstrap, Unit Test, Blade Template Engine, PSR Standards, ORM Queries  and so on. Working with Laravel is always gives me a breezy experience because of its Eloquent ORM.

Create and use a Laravel Relationship is an easy task,Whether you are on small todo application or a big scale bank project.

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Simple Image Caption in HTML, CSS

Almost all famous news websites always display images with a caption box that is aligned at the bottom of the same image. These image captions provide extra information about the images displayed on the web pages. You can quickly add these types caption over image in your images using CSS and HTML.

With HTML, CSS – you can simplify many of your web design works. Here’s another one to create simple Image caption with html and css.

Level: Beginner

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