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IT Consultant, Photographer, Blogger

516487 9 tips for longer laptop battery life

How to Test Laptop Battery

I have been using my Acer Laptop for a while (since 2009!!) . Now a days it makes me so irritates to power off automatically whenever i was at very important work.  Should i need to replace my laptop battery? – When the question arises, first i need to test laptop battery of mine to get the answer that which is having laptop battery life or not.

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CSS3 Media Queries

CSS3 is the latest evolution of the Cascading Style Sheet language and it brings a lot features like animations, transistions, gradients, grid layouts and more. The main important feature is make the web more responsive and accessible for all devices. Here is the complete media queries for various devices.
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Beginner’s Guide to Deploying PHP Laravel on the Google Cloud Platform

Laravel is one of the leading frameworks used by the PHP Community. On the other hand, Google offers an excellent more cost-effective Cloud Platform on its own. But make to run your existing Laravel application may be a nightmare if you don’t follow these steps. I have tried a lot and finally found the solution, even you can run your latest Laravel version also.

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25+Useful Excel Functions

Microsoft Excel is one of the major application that using for multiple purposes like Spreadsheet, Data Entry, Data Analysis and some people using it like their own database application that do all the business transactions with it. In this post, I try to give all essential excel functions that make your life easier than before.

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