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IT Consultant, Photographer, Blogger

WordPress Theme Development Tutorial – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

WordPress Theme Development Tutorial – Part 2
In our previous tutorial we have told you how to create and convert a HTML code into a wordpress theme. Today in this tutorial we will tell you about the things you can do to the wordpress theme for making it more perfect and accurate. During the time you import codes from one editor to the other or during the time you change codes from HTML to wordpres most of the codes lose their alignment and are left to suffer. You as a developer is responsible for solving these issues.

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WordPress Theme Development Tutorial – Part 1

Reading Time: 2 minutes

WordPress Theme Development Tutorial- Part 1
Wordpress is on a rage, people are making optimum use of this platform to create dynamic websites and win the world. While some developers are earning millions some innocuous amateur developers are stuck with theme development. A theme plays an important role in attracting readers and customers. You need to have an exquisite theme for maintaining a loyal set of readers. In this tutorial we will teach you about WordPress Theme Development: –

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How to set Cron Jobs in Cpanel

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to set Cron Jobs in Cpanel
Cron is utility software with time based job scheduler. It was developed for operating systems like Linux and similar. Developers who are bound to update their software and code at specific interval make use of this cron for scheduling their jobs. These crons are known to update the codes and programs after a fixed time or interval. This is basically a system that automates system maintenance and updates at it the required intervals.

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future of php

Future of PHP

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Future of PHP
While the world is under the cease of dynamic websites, there are some experts worried about the Future of PHP. PHP for sure has changed the way Dynamic websites were developed and maintained. A dynamic website on the front can be defined as a website that allows the interaction between the User and the User Interface and interaction between User Interface and Server. The user can provide input and request for a specific output. The occurrence of dynamic websites has enhanced the experience of web surfing and browsing.

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How to tame Social Media for your business

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How to Tame Social Media for Your Business

With the ever rising number of online customers and steady increase in the social media users businesses need to turn their marketing efforts towards these podiums, since, they are potent in all respects in targeting and anchoring the customers cheaply yet effectively.
To tame the social media to make your business prosper this is what you need to keep in mind:

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Agile Development Basics

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Agile Development Basics

Agile is a new methodology of managing IT development teams and projects. It is not only suitable to the software developers but also to anybody who is associated with software deliverance; like project managers, testers, QA managers, technical writers etc.
Advantages of using AgileRead More »Agile Development Basics

Node.js An Introduction

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Introduction to Node.js
Node.js as we know is a JavaScript. It is very different from the normal JavaScript codes we write while writing a program. It is rather a concept used to run JavaScript outside the web browsers. People across the world are making optimum use of the JavaScript for writing interfaces of their sites and blogs. JavaScript is one of the best way of creating dynamic websites and blogs that can interact with user and take inputs as well. Node.js just increases the proximity of the JavaScript by adding loads of features and capability into the basic programming language Java.

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