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IT Consultant, Photographer, Blogger


Essential Performance Tips for MySQL

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Essential Performance Tips for MySQL

 As a professional a lot of your work must be dependent on MySQL. We bring to you ten tips that will enhance the performance of your MySQL and will make it more reliable.

Profile your workload: – It is very important for you to keep an eye on how your server is spending time and you can do this by profiling your workload. Workload profiling is also known to reduce the cost of services and it brings to you the best of speed and performance. Next time you start facing problems related to speed and performance, try profiling.

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Good Coding Standards of PHP

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Good Coding Standards of PHP

The contemporary world is being driven by tech enthusiasts, they are making optimum use of the available resources and ideas to develop websites and web applications that can cater to the growing needs of the world. They have breached new regulations and they are following their own standards. Different enterprises and different developers are following thei different style of writing code and designing websites and this is leading to miss conception about the standards of PHP but then the question arises that ‘Is there any real standard of PHP’. The world is keen about this degradation of standard but then the development of some awesome websites has made the experts go numb.

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Web Development Life Cycle

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Web Development Life Cycle

A good website need much input. This process is thus divided under various heads or stages that are called as development life-cycle. It is essential to help the web developers to align themselves to the tasks at hand and to give the maximum quality achievable. The whole development process of a website can be grouped into various life cycles of Analysis, Design and Development, Content, Coding and Testing, SEO and Maintenance.

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Best Websites to Learn Web design Online

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Best Websites to Learn Web design Online

 We live in a world where everything is online. Gone are the days when people used to stand in long queues to pay their bills and walk a mile to get their favorite burger, today internet makes it easy, you can pay your bills and transfer your money with few clicks, today you need not to go out of your house to eat a burger, you can order it online and it will get delivered to your house.

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10 Things You Should Consider Before Starting A Website

Reading Time: 2 minutes

10 Things You Should Consider Before Starting A Website

With every business turning itself online, websites are not just becoming popular but have essentially become a need. But since, now with so many websites on the internet, you need to make your site such that it stands out from above the rest. Spending some time and thought on these 10 points will let your site remain ahead of your competitors and impart you success.

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A beginner’s guide to buying DSLR camera lenses

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A beginner’s guide to buying DSLR camera lenses

Photography, the art and science of creating images, has evolved with every passing year. Earlier photographers relied on the single-lens reflex or SLR, however with the advent of digital technology, professionals and amateurs have embraced DSLRs as a definite improvement upon simple point-and-shoot cameras.

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