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Top 10 MySQL Optimization Tips

Top 10 MySQL Optimization Tips
MYSQL allows us to create sites which have strong database connections. They have a huge set of database driven applications which makes storage and retrieval of data easy and convenient. Though MYSQL is at its best by default but one can always take that extra step and optimize their MYSQL for better performance.

We bring to you the Top Ten MYSQL Optimization Tips: –
Increase Your RAM
Random Access Memory also known as primary memory is the area where all the concurrent information is stored. Your active data and connections are going to hinder the performance of data storage and retrieval. The best way out of this problem is increasing RAM and allocating every process with enough space to work in its own languor.

Using Multi-Core Processors that are Exceptionally Fast
Increasing RAM is only the first step you need to improve the processing speed as well for faster data storage and abstraction. When you increase the processor you allow the user to retrieve and store data at much faster rate than before. Making use of Multi-Core processors allow more than one user to access the stored data with same efficiency and speed.

Use Fast and Efficient Storage Devices
After RAM and Processor you will need to update your Storage Devices for efficient performance. Changing these hardware parts is important because optimizing MYSQL is all about improving performance of the databases. Making use of efficient and faster Storage Devices is required to match the speed of RAM, Processor and the innumerable requests of the User.

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Choosing the Right Operating System
MYSQL is known to perform excellently on Linux. Choosing right OS is important because different Operating Systems have different issues and levels of faults and one operating system with lesser faults is the best for the working of MYSQL.
Choosing the Right File Format/System
Some formats of the files are too heavy and it gets difficult to access them from different networks. Using file formats that are easier to access are always a better choice. File formats like XFS are advised by experts for better performance of MYSQL on all kind of servers and platforms. XFS file format is known to work with great ease and convenience on different kinds of Operating Systems like Linux and Windows.

Using a Battery backed Disk Cache
As said earlier MYSQL is more about interaction of user with database and hence we need to make this communication stronger for better service and faster access. Using a battery backed disk cache for supporting interaction between database and user is important. The user can try to access database anytime and hence one needs to have battery back-up.

Balance the Load
Making use of more than one server is suggested for balancing the load and for better services.

Use a large Buffer Pool
Using a larger buffer pool allows the servers to provide a better service.

Adjusting Input-Output Capabilities
Increasing Input and output capacity is one necessary thing to be done. You need to increase the capacity if the traffic on the database is on a roll.

Removed Unused Indexes
Removing unused indexes for making search on database easier is always preferred.

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